The Diamond Game
The Diamond Game is a board game created by the MathéRéaliser team with the aim of introducing the number system in a fun way. No symbolic writing needed.

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Jeannotte, D. et Corriveau, C. (2020). Interactions Between Pupils’ Actions and Manipulative Characteristics when Solving an Arithmetical task. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Utrecht, NL.
Corriveau, C et Jeannotte, D. (2019). Travailler le principe de groupement/échange lié à la numération sans passer par l’écriture symbolique : analyse de stratégies d’élèves. Grand N. 104, 59-70.
Corriveau, C. et Jeannotte, D. (2019). Matériel de manipulation pour travailler les opérations : nécessaire, mais est-ce suffisant ? Vivre le primaire, Automne 2019, 48-49.
This page present various materials grouped according to the three categories prescribed in the learning progression. Under each material photo, additional characteristics are presented, along with an interactive version that can be projected onto an interactive whiteboard.